Surrendering is not giving up, it is having the strength to let go
Give up your hopes
Give up your dreams
Give up your plans
Give up your schemes
Give up who you are
Give up who you’ll be
Give up the sorrow
Give up the need to see
Give up the control
Give up the need for light
Give up the struggle
Give up the fear of night
Give up where you’re going
Give up where you’ve been
Give up all the failure
Give up having to win
Give up being right
Give up fear of wrong
Give up what was promised
Give up saying “how long”
Give up what you want
Give up what you’ve lost
Give up what you’ll get
Give up counting the cost
Give up your life
Bow down low
God’s feet are in your soul
Walk on
From breath to breath
Whatever comes
Serve all
For Love
For God
Poem written by:
Preeti Kaur Khalsa
May 3,1997